A reserved matters application is for the remaining 127 dwellings was submitted on 22 December 2023. The phase 2 site falls directly to the east of phase 1, with construction work progressing away from the newly constructed roundabout, towards the centre of Eye.
The site layout shown has been submitted as part of the application to Mid Suffolk District Council for approval.
The landscape-led approach continues into this phase, providing a large amount of open space, linked to phase 1 and connectivity via greenspace onto Victoria Hill, leading into the town centre.
The character and design of the dwellings will directly continue from phase 1, reflecting the character of the existing dwellings in Eye.
25 of the 127 dwellings will be delivered as affordable housing for the community.
A small parcel has been marked as ‘Land for Future Development’ which will be a separate future application and decided on its own merits. The density of the scheme remains low, and a large amount of open space is being provided. If this area is developed in the future, it will mean a more efficient use of the land, with more housing, including affordable housing being provided in Eye.
For more information regarding phase 2, please refer to the Design, Compliance and Access Statement which has been submitted as part of the application.