An outline planning application for up to 280 dwellings, a 60 bed residential care home, the re-provision of a car park for the use of Mulberry Bush Nursery, re-location of existing farm buildings to the west of Parcel 15 and associated infrastructure including roads (including adaptations to Castleton Way and Langton Grove), pedestrian, cycle and vehicle routes, parking, drainage, open spaces, landscaping, utilities and associated earthworks (Mid Suffolk District Council reference: 3563/15), was submitted by Persimmon Homes in October 2015 to Mid Suffolk District Council and was approved subject to conditions in March 2018.
The design principles for the outline scheme were set out in the Indicative Masterplan.
The proposal and indicative masterplan incorporated the following:
- Primary vehicular access from Castleton Way on the western edge of the development
- Pedestrian, cycle and emergency access off Victoria Hill on the eastern side of the development
- Pedestrian links to the existing Public Right of Way network
- Up to 280 dwellings
- A 60 bed residential care home
- A landscape led approach to the scheme with significant open space provision
- Sustainable Drainage Systems
265 of the dwellings will be delivered by Persimmon Homes, with the landowner retaining Parcel 15 to deliver 15 homes and a 60 bed care home.
As can be seen on the masterplan, an emphasis was placed on open space provision of landscaping to provide an attractive development, consistent with the local setting.
A Reserved Matters Planning Application for Phase 1 was submitted in February 2021 to Mid Suffolk District Council and was approved in March 2022. This was for approval of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for 138 dwellings, including affordable housing, car parking, open space provision and associated infrastructure. The Phase 1 development is currently in build and dwellings are being sold.